Fighting Off the Post-Vacation Slump

March 26, 2014 Caroline Freeman

In the same way that preparing to go on vacation is challenging, returning to work or school is equally or even more challenging. Here are a few tips to help you get back in the swing of things:

  • Pre-plan: Take some time to prepare for your first day back at the office by outlining your goals. People who write down their goals on paper are more likely to accomplish them. Don’t get too wrapped up in your pre-planning though, you need to enjoy where you are at.

  • Re-group: If you have the flexibility to take a day to get back on your feet take that time to truly rest. Do not look at your email, do not fret over what’s waiting for you at the office, just unpack and get your life back to normal.

  • Get Healthy: It’s easy to get out of a normal sleep/workout routine while on vacation. When you come back home one of the best things that you can do is get back to your normal routine. Put away the junk food and hop back on the treadmill!

  • Ease back in: You aren’t going to be able to catch up on everything in one day. Rather than allowing yourself to become overwhelmed by the volume of work you have, set parameters for yourself and stick to them. For example, your goal for day one can be to go through all of the old materials

  • Enjoy the Homecoming: Don’t be afraid to share about your trip in the office when it’s appropriate. More than likely the people around you will want to hear about your adventures. While sharing do be aware of body language that may indicate boredom. Don’t take offense, just casually change the conversation.

Remember, it’s normal to miss being on vacation. Don’t let real life get you down for long though! Following these tips and looking for exciting things to do at home will get you back on track in no time!


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