My First Month at RadiusOnline

February 03, 2016 Sully Keel

Starting a new internship is kind of like going on a blind date. Both situations involve me juggling feelings of both nervousness and excitement. Lucky for me, the work environment at Radius is very welcoming and accepting. From day one I felt like part of the Radius community. I love the relaxed environment; the dress is casual, and the music is lively. Don’t let this fool you into believing that relaxed equals slow-paced. Everyone here is very driven and quick on their feet.


After my initial nervousness had resided, I dove into SEO head first! I started working on projects within my first few hours of being in the office, quickly learning as I was going along. Thankfully I came to work my first day with a notepad because I filled up pages writing about online directories, acquisition channels, and landing pages- which were all foreign to me. I left the office on my first day having learned more about SEO than I anticipated I would, and I was eager to learn more. Since my first day in the office, I have continued to learn more about SEO each day, which I believe is crucial for a successful internship.learn-by-doing

During my time here, I have been doing a lot of learning-by-doing. Instead of merely talking about SEO, I have been diving deep into Google Analytics and Webmasters to solve problems. More than once have I found myself in a position where I was asked to do a challenging task, and my first thought was “I don’t know how to do that.” Initially, I was concerned about completing such tasks, but I quickly learned that I was capable of more than I gave myself credit for. I am excellent at using the internet as the great resource it is; and when that doesn’t avail, I have incredibly talented co-workers that I can always turn to.


My first month here has been awesome. (Free!) Friday lunches, impromptu talent shows, and good coffee are just some of the things I have experienced that make Radius more than just an office. RadiusOnline is an exceptional place, and I am looking forward to everything this internship has in store for me.