There is no U in Motivation

October 30, 2015 Nick Lopez

Okay before we start I have something for you. I believe music makes everything better, so please before we start…choose one of the following.

                                   A.                            B.                              C.

You ready?

You never truly appreciate the advice that’s given to you until you’ve gone through something where you’ve needed it. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about goals and motivation and I’m left with a thought that my grandmother gave me when I was young. She said, “Do something today that your future self with thank you for”. I know, I know it’s sounds like a lifetime movie, but nonetheless it’s been stuck in my head. I think about what my older self could possible regret about my youth. I want to try and figure out how to be the best that I can be. If you want the best for yourself you need to be the best.

Today I’m going to talk about 3 things. Motivation, Goals, and The Power of Our Time.


Motivation is an interesting concept. It’s interesting because all motivation is feelings. You listen to motivational speeches because they make you feel, feel like you can do anything you set your mind to. The real part of motivational, which is the hardest part, is action. Sure you can sit at your desk or look at your phone and listen to a speech but are really listening? What do you want out of life? What do you want out of yourself? Motivation is the spark that lights the fire, your fire. I can give you the most motivating speech in history, but it’s up to you to change your life. I can’t make you get off the couch, start that project or plan your travels for you. What I can do is make you feel.


If motivation is the fire then goals are the wood. You have to have something to keep you going forward. What are your goals? How are you going to reach them? What’s stopping you? I can ask all the questions in the world, but you have to answer them. You know that moment after you reach your goal? The feeling of triumph you get? You should feel that every day. Goals come in every size, you could have a goal to go for a walk once a day or a goal to reach a certain weight. After you reach that goal, no matter how big or small you’ll still have that need for more. That need to be better, that need to reach higher. Start small and work towards your goal because conquering 20 little goals on your way to 1 big goal feels a lot better than just accomplishing 1 big goal.

Power of Our Time:

We are lucky enough to live in an age where everything is at our fingertips. The internet has changed the way we search for information. We have access to millions of website, pages and articles that can help us reach our goals. It’s a double edge sword. There are a lot of resources for us, but there is also a lot that can distract us.

We get it….that corgi is adorable….but when you need to accomplish a goal it’s time to get focused.

Want to learn a language?

Want to get healthy?

Want to Travel? Travel Guide …..but hotels are so expensive…AirBNB….but that’s expensive…CouchSurfing.

Want to learn how to do something? wikiHow…..YouTube

The possibilities are endless.

There will always be an excuse not to do something. You need to be the one to say….today is the day. You might not reach your goal today, tomorrow or even this month, but you will reach it one day. When you do….you’ll look back at that first day and be thankful you started.

What if I fail?

Failing isn’t the worse thing in the world. Life is all about learning and if you fail, take it as a learning experience and grow.

I believe in you, but the real question is do you believe in yourself.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I hope that I helped you realize something that you knew all along, that you can do it.

Today is the day.



Online Marketing Intern