Ways to make the world a better place

June 02, 2015 Radius Rockets

Creating a better world starts with clarity about who we are. Here are my three ways to make the world a better place:

1. Be nice
It’s so tempting to be rude to people you hate, but don’t let anger and hatred divide people into good and bad. You don’t know the whole story so you can’t judge anyone. You don’t know their thoughts and feelings. After all, there are people who may think that you are a bad person. Be nice to people and they will be nicer to you. Even if they are not nice to you, then let it be. You don’t need to be perfect and make everyone loves you. Get rid of the feelings of hatred and you will feel much happier.

2. Be positive
Everyone benefits when we stop complaining and find the positive instead of focusing on the negative. We can make life easier for ourselves, and the people around us, if we stop worrying about the worst-case scenarios and try to make the best of our situations. When we cultivate a positive mindset, we not only feel more positive, we’re also more likely to create more positive circumstances.

3. Have fun

What people should never forget is to have fun on their lifetime journey. Too many people are bitter with their life because they have forgotten how to enjoy it. If we all have fun and do the things that we love doing, imagine what a wonderful world we would live in. So be the change you wish to see in the world and don’t take all things too serious, smile to the world and enjoy your life. Being an online marketing intern has been a lot of fun.